ContactOffline networking with impact
For many people ‘networking’ is still ‘just like working’. As a consequence they see diverse networking opportunities as an extension of their actual job and as a place to ‘sell’. That is, of course, the wrong vision.
This training session will help you to see things differently. From now on meeting someone will be more relaxed.
Because networking is only 20% innate, the other 80% can easily be learned.
We only focus on social media for 15% because they are included in a separate training course. The other 85% of the time focuses on optimising interpersonal networking at network events, in your own company, in your own surroundings, even in your own family. In short, everywhere you can and will meet people.
- How do I prepare myself?
- What is a good ‘elevator pitch’?
- How do I make a strong first impression?
- How do I create a mutual feeling that sticks?
- Observe and listen ‘actively’
- Surround yourself with first-rate players
- What are some appropriate introductions/'openers'?
- What/how much do I tell about myself?
- Determine the size of your network
- How different generations network differently
- Asking open questions
- Turn a business card into a useful tool
- Which network organisations should I choose?
- How do deal with (your own) humour
- Etc. (because you probably have questions!)
"The richest people in the world build networks; everyone else is trained to look for work."
Robert Kiyosaki
When Harry was young, he definitely wasn't a ringleader. As a student some called him ‘William the Silent’ (see also Coaching Public Speaking).
But this changed ‘due to circumstances’. When he progressed in sales and in business, he quickly understood that 'who' you know is more important than ‘what’ you know. So he started building a network in his immediate surroundings and the concentric circles continued to expand.
Years before the concept of ‘networking’ existed, he had already developed his own network organisation of more than 1500 individuals. Via monthly meetings and special happenings, relationships were forged and continue to be forged that offer added value both regarding friendship and professional opportunities.
Harry became a networker ‘pur sang’! He quickly understood that ‘What goes around, comes around’. In other words, networking is primarily a question of ‘giving’ and eventually you'll also ‘receive’.
1) One can opt for a lecture with some interactive exercises. In that case 60 to 90 minutes will suffice.
2) But a 4-hour session, which contains diverse practical exercises, can also be arranged. This is possible for groups up to 50 people, but in that case it's important that there is enough open space for the exercises and room to seat 50 participants.

Would you like more information?
Would you like more information about the possibilities for you event, or are you looking for a coach who can sharpen your communication skills?
Then you can always contact us without obligation via the following link: